Get a head start on your All-State prep with the Kansas City Flute Association and Dr. Emlyn Johnson!
Emlyn Johnson is a flutist and project leader working to bring music out of the concert hall and into the ears of new audiences. She will join the flute faculty at the University of Missouri - Kansas City Conservatory for the 2023-2024 academic year. She is also the co-director and flutist of Music in the American Wild, an initiative that celebrates American people, places, and stories through the commission and performance of new music. Since 2016 she has commissioned 30 new thematic works for the American Wild Ensemble and premiered them at national parks, historic sites, and other unconventional venues across the country in collaboration with an ever-evolving roster of wonderful community partners. Recent projects have found American Wild Ensemble performing in a sunny Hawaiian lava field, 30 stories underground in Kentucky caves, and everywhere in between.
Questions? Contact us at kcfluteassociation@gmail.comThe Kansas City Flute Association is a 501(c)3 non-profit organization.